Weigh Scale Management

Bas-XPlus Weigh Scales provides the Group Manager with the tools to manage all scale pricing, nutritional and ingredients information from the group office.  Bas-XPlus provides the mechanism to generate and send the information to stores.  Client side software processes the information and communicates it directly to the in-store scales.  Pop-up messages are conveniently displayed at store level instructing the user when scale information is updated.

With Bas-XPlus Weigh Scales you can:

Include scale changes within your host files – save time and labour and ensure consistency and legislative compliance by creating scale data once at your group office and hosting to your stores.  Scale pricing is managed according to the unique pricing profiles created for each store within Bas-XPlus.

Synchronize scale data between your stores, their back office, scales and point of sale systems.  Warnings appear where information at any point of the retail system is inconsistent.  Where label contents is governed by legislation, fewer individuals within the organization will be required to understand the legislative requirements in order to conform.

Cut & paste data into the pictorial depiction of the label style and see a picture of the actual scale type.  This makes it faster and easier to input scale information as data can be imported into a text based program and then simply cut and pasted onto the label within Bas-XPlus Weigh Scales.  Being able to see a picture of the scale makes selecting the scale type much easier.