Business Intelligence & Analytics

Bas-X offers a number of Business Intelligence and Analytic solutions including:

Product Analysis

Shelf space is one of the most valuable commodities in retail.  In order to maximize profits, store owners can ill afford to waste space on item that either don't sell quickly enough or at all.  Bas-XPlus product analysis tools ensure Group Managers have product movement information on which they can base product ranging and purchase desions.  Bas-XPlus product analysis not only compares product to product and store to store, it's power lies in its ability to compare the group's store information to supplier ranking and movement reports.


Performance Reporting

There is an old saying in business, "if you can't measure it, you can't control it."  This rings especially true in retail.  Being able to analyze performance in a timely manner is the only way of protecting profit.  Bas-XPlus performance reporting gives the Group Manager the power to micro analyze sales across their group at every level.  The flexibility of reporting allows the group manager infinite reporting options from total group sales by store, department, sub-department/commodity, and product; to individual store's sales, drilling down as low as products.


Policy Compliance

In an environment where a group of stores exists, it is often difficult to assess a store's compliance to policy.  Bas-XPlus business intelligence modules allow the Group Manager to assess a store's compliance to pricing policy, sales budgets and labelling legislation.


Business Benchmarking

Typically, retail systems manage the store's profit and loss only down to Gross Profit.  Which, if you're operating within the fast moving consumer goods sector of retail would run at any where between 20 and 40%.  When all other costs of doing business are considered, that is eroded to less than 10% and if you're a supermarket, your EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) could be as low as 3%.  It makes sense to compare your cost of doing business to other like businesses - find out for sure if you're paying too much for electricity or if your wages are too high.


Scandata Retrieval

Bas-X have designed, developed and managed Scandata Retrieval applications for a number of large retail groups including Australia's third largest retail chain IGA.  Each Scandata application varies depending on the retail systems deployed at store level, head office systems, desired connectivity types and third party interfaces (e.g. A.C. Neilson, AZTEC etc) required.
